It was a rather dreary morning when the team from Taunton Deane arrived to play the first of our League matches this year. Their Handicaps were a bit on the daunting side, Stephen Custance Baker was playing. He’s a 3 Pealer, which means that he has to peal a partner ball through three of his hoops in order to win the game and also that he is an extremely good player. Two of the team were playing off a handicap of 10, meaning that they had 10 bisques (extra shots) each. The other player was on H2. They were all experienced players and they beat us in our previous match, last year.We, on the other hand, were H 4, 6, 6 and 7. However, in the first Round we won 3 out of 4 games and in the next two Rounds we won 2 out of 4. The score is now 7-5 to us. The last Round meant that we had to win 2 games to win. TD had to win all games to win and 3 games to draw – anything could happen! TD won the first game to finish, but the other 3 games were going to time so watching the play became very interesting. One incident, in particular, was probably a unique happening. Ann and Simon Munton were playing on separate, adjacent, lawns with the same colour balls – blue and black and were preparing to peg-out at the same angle to their separate posts. Having placed the two balls together, in sequence, they went to check the accuracy of the placement, then adjusted the balls, then repeated this again two or three times in perfect sequence with one another until playing the shot. Ann’s balls were much nearer the post than Simon’s, so she pegged out successfully and won the game. They were blissfully unaware of this happening.Simon was not so lucky; he had more work to do. The game continued, but he managed to peg out one of his balls before time was up and win his game.So CPCC won the match 9-7. Well done Team: David Milford, Ann and Simon Munton and John Rowley.