The CPCC High Handicap team travelled to Llandaff on 20th May for a golf croquet match. They competed strongly against a team including Gareth Harris (H12 ?) who, in his second year as a player, emerged as a key member of the Llandaff team. Here’s Gareth (in the blue hat) congratulating Peter Buchanan on a CPCC win at the golden hoop in a doubles game.

The morning finished with Llandaff in the lead 7½ to 2½ and, despite greater success in the final rounds, the CPCC team ended the day with 7½ to Llandaff’s 12½.
The home team, keen to reinstate pre-CoVid traditions, laid on a splendid lunch and it was a pleasure sitting together to eat and chat. Following a special request, one of our team was presented with a plate of Welsh cakes which he guarded keenly but unsuccessfully.
After two consecutive losses, the future of the non-playing team captain looks uncertain. I spoke to several members of the team and there was a general agreement that they would manage just as well without him.